
The Legend of Squatch

The elusive Sasquatch. Guardian at the frontier of the realms of men. Rare eyewitness accounts offer a glimpse at their battle with mythical dangers. Holding back the darkness requires an extensive arsenal of traits and equipment.

The Legend of Squatch is a collection limited to 5000 unique pieces. Each was crafted using elements hand-drawn by Tall Tales Gallery, and assembled with the help of a generative art engine. To mint a Squatch, you can head to our minting page. If you just want to browse the collection that's been minted so far, you can check it out on OpenSea.io.



Each Squatch has the potential to have a plethora of attributes spread out over 9 different layers. When using the generator to help create each unique asset - we used rarity settings to weigh how often items will show up. The attributes are split up into the following categories: backgrounds, mouth, eyes, wounds, accessories, cloak, left hand, right hand, headwear.

Minting a Squatch

Each Squatch is available to mint for just 1 MATIC on the Polygon chain. So if you're ready to snatch one up and join the Squatchron hit the button below.

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